Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad, Affordable Cost of Surrogacy in Ahmedabad

The cost of surrogacy in Ahmedabad, India can vary depending on many factors, including the type of surrogacy, the experience of the surrogate mother, the medical needs of the pregnancy, and the legal fees associated with the surrogacy process. On average, the cost of surrogacy in Ahmedabad ranges from Rs. 10 lakhs (US$12,500) to Rs. 20 lakhs (US$25,000). This includes the surrogate’s fees, medical expenses, and legal fees.

Here is a breakdown of the estimated costs of surrogacy in Ahmedabad:

Factor Description Estimated Cost Tips
IVF and embryo transfer Includes medications, ultrasound monitoring, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 4 lakhs (US$2,500 to US$5,000) Compare prices from different fertility clinics
Prenatal care Includes regular checkups, ultrasounds, and blood tests Rs. 2 lakhs to Rs. 4.5 lakhs (US$2,500 to US$5,625) Ask about discounts for multiple surrogacy attempts
Delivery cost Includes hospital stay, doctor’s fees, anaesthesia, and neonatal care Rs. 1 lakh to Rs. 1.5 lakhs (US$1,250 to US$1,875) Consider using a surrogate mother who is a friend or family member
Post-natal care Includes checkups for the surrogate mother and baby Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 75,000 (US$625 to US$937.50) Look for surrogacy programs that offer financial assistance
Surrogacy fee Includes compensation for the surrogate mother, agency fees, and legal fees Rs. 5 lakhs to Rs. 10 lakhs (US$6,250 to US$12,500) Research the experience and reputation of the fertility clinic

Traditional vs. Gestational Surrogacy vs Altruistic Surrogacy: Cost Comparison in Ahmedabad

Costs for Traditional Surrogacy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Surrogacy mother’s fees: ₹800,000 to ₹1,200,000
  • Medical expenses: ₹300,000 to ₹500,000
  • Legal expenses: ₹100,000 to ₹200,000
  • Agency fees: ₹50,000 to ₹100,000
  • Other expenses (travel, accommodation, food, etc.): ₹100,000 to ₹200,000

Total cost: ₹1,350,000 to ₹2,200,000

Costs for Gestational Surrogacy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Surrogacy mother’s fees: ₹1,000,000 to ₹1,500,000
  • Medical expenses: ₹400,000 to ₹600,000
  • Legal expenses: ₹100,000 to ₹200,000
  • Agency fees: ₹50,000 to ₹100,000
  • Other expenses (travel, accommodation, food, etc.): ₹100,000 to ₹200,000

Total cost: ₹1,650,000 to ₹2,600,000

Costs for Altruistic Surrogacy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat

  • Surrogacy mother’s fees: ₹0 to ₹500,000
  • Medical expenses: ₹400,000 to ₹600,000
  • Legal expenses: ₹100,000 to ₹200,000
  • Agency fees: ₹50,000 to ₹100,000
  • Other expenses (travel, accommodation, food, etc.): ₹100,000 to ₹200,000

Total cost: ₹650,000 to ₹1,900,000

Type of Surrogacy Surrogacy Mother’s Fees Medical Expenses Legal Expenses Agency Fees Other Expenses Total Cost
Traditional ₹800,000 to ₹1,200,000 ₹300,000 to ₹500,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹50,000 to ₹100,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹1,350,000 to ₹2,200,000
Gestational ₹1,000,000 to ₹1,500,000 ₹400,000 to ₹600,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹50,000 to ₹100,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹1,650,000 to ₹2,600,000
Altruistic ₹0 to ₹500,000 ₹400,000 to ₹600,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹50,000 to ₹100,000 ₹100,000 to ₹200,000 ₹650,000 to ₹1,900,000

What is the most expensive part of surrogacy?

Some of the most expensive parts of surrogacy include Legal services, Medical expenses, Surrogate compensation, Twin deliveries, and Cesarean sections. 

Other medical costs include: 

  • Fertility tests and treatments
  • Embryo creation
  • Egg donation
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)
  • Additional medical expenses during pregnancy

The type of surrogacy can also affect the cost: 

  • Self-egg surrogacy
  • Donor-egg surrogacy
  • Gestational surrogacy

Other factors that can affect the cost include: 

  • Insurance coverage
  • The surrogate and parents’ location
  • The success of in vitro fertilization
Cost Description Approximate Cost
Fertility tests and treatments This includes tests such as semen analysis, hormone testing, and imaging tests, as well as treatments such as ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI). ₹50,000 to ₹200,000
Embryo creation This involves fertilizing eggs with sperm to create embryos. The type of fertilization used (e.g., in vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)) will affect the cost. ₹100,000 to ₹200,000
Egg donation If the intended mother is unable to produce her own eggs, she may need to use donor eggs. The cost of donor eggs will vary depending on the egg bank that is used and the characteristics of the donor (e.g., age, education, ethnicity). ₹200,000 to ₹400,000
In vitro fertilization (IVF) IVF is a process of fertilizing eggs with sperm outside of the body. The fertilized eggs (embryos) are then transferred to the uterus of the surrogate mother. The cost of IVF will vary depending on the fertility clinic that is used and the number of IVF cycles that are needed. ₹150,000 to ₹300,000 per cycle
Additional medical expenses during pregnancy The surrogate mother will need to receive regular prenatal care and may also need other medical care during her pregnancy, such as ultrasounds, blood tests, and medications. The cost of additional medical expenses during pregnancy will vary depending on the surrogate mother’s health and the type of medical care that is needed. ₹50,000 to ₹150,000
Total estimated cost: ₹600,000 to ₹1,450,000

Why Altruistic Surrogacy Might Be a Cost-Effective Option in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Altruistic surrogacy is a type of surrogacy where the surrogate mother does not receive any financial compensation for her services. This makes it a cost-effective option for couples who are unable to afford traditional or gestational surrogacy.

In Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, altruistic surrogacy is a relatively new concept. However, there are a growing number of surrogate mothers who are willing to carry a child for another couple without any financial compensation.

There are a few reasons why altruistic surrogacy might be a cost-effective option in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India:

  • The cost of living is lower in India than in many other countries where altruistic surrogacy is legal. This means that surrogate mothers in India are typically willing to accept lower compensation than surrogate mothers in other countries.
  • There is a large population of women in India who are willing to become surrogate mothers. This is due to several factors, including cultural norms and economic conditions.
  • The Indian government has legalized altruistic surrogacy, which makes it a more viable option for couples.

It is important to note that even though altruistic surrogacy does not involve any financial compensation for the surrogate mother, there are still other costs associated with the process, such as medical expenses, legal fees, and agency fees. However, the overall cost of altruistic surrogacy is typically significantly lower than the cost of traditional or gestational surrogacy.

If you are considering altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India, it is important to do your research and speak with a qualified professional to get more information about the costs and process involved.

Here are some tips for finding an altruistic surrogate mother in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India:

  • Work with a reputable surrogacy agency. A reputable agency will have experience working with altruistic surrogate mothers and can help you find a surrogate who is a good match for your needs.
  • Contact local hospitals and fertility clinics. Many hospitals and fertility clinics have programs that match couples with altruistic surrogate mothers.
  • Ask your friends, family, and coworkers if they know anyone who might be interested in becoming an altruistic surrogate mother.

Once you have found a few potential surrogate mothers, it is important to meet with them in person and get to know them. It is also important to have a physical and psychological evaluation done by a qualified professional to ensure that the surrogate mother is healthy and able to carry a pregnancy.

Altruistic surrogacy can be a wonderful way for couples to become parents. It is important to remember, however, that altruistic surrogacy is a complex process and it is important to do your research and speak with a qualified professional before making any decisions.

FAQs on Altruistic Surrogacy Cost in Ahmedabad

Q: What is the cost of altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad?

A: The cost of altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad ranges from INR 5 lakhs to INR 10 lakhs. This includes the cost of IVF treatment, legal fees, and medical care for the surrogate mother. However, it is important to note that the actual cost may vary depending on a number of factors, such as the location of the fertility clinic, the surrogate mother’s medical history, and any complications that may arise during the pregnancy.

Q: How can I save money on altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad?

A: Here are a few tips for saving money on altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad:

  • Work with a surrogacy agency or fertility clinic that offers discounts for altruistic surrogacy.
  • Negotiate with the surrogate mother to reduce her compensation.
  • Consider surrogacy in a less expensive city or state.
  • Ask about financial assistance programs that may be available to you.

Q: What are the benefits of altruistic surrogacy?

A: Altruistic surrogacy has a number of benefits, including:

  • It is significantly less expensive than commercial surrogacy.
  • It is a way to give back to the community and help others.
  • It can be a more personal and rewarding experience than commercial surrogacy.

Q: What are the drawbacks of altruistic surrogacy?

A: Altruistic surrogacy also has a few drawbacks, including:

  • It can be more difficult to find a surrogate mother who is willing to carry a pregnancy for free.
  • There is a higher risk of the surrogate mother backing out of the arrangement.
  • There is a higher risk of emotional and legal complications.

Q: What are the legal requirements for altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad?

A: Under the Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021, the following legal requirements apply to altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad:

  • The surrogate mother must be an Indian citizen between the ages of 21 and 35 years old.
  • The surrogate mother must be married and have at least one child of her own.
  • The surrogate mother must be medically fit to carry a pregnancy.
  • The intended parents must be infertile and have a medical certificate to prove it.

Q: Where can I find more information about altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad?

A: You can find more information about altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad from the following sources:

  • Surrogacy agencies and fertility clinics in Ahmedabad
  • The Surrogacy (Regulation) Act, 2021
  • Online resources such as the Indian Fertility Society

Please note that these are just general guidelines and the actual cost of altruistic surrogacy in Ahmedabad may vary depending on your specific circumstances.

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