Surrogacy Centre In Gurgaon: Helping Couples Achieve Their Dream Of Parenthood

Surrogacy centre in Gurgaon

Gurgaon is a popular destination for surrogacy in India, and there are many surrogacy centres to choose from. Nectar Health is one of the leading surrogacy centres in Gurgaon, with a high success rate and a team of experienced and qualified doctors and staff.

Nectar Health offers a comprehensive range of surrogacy services, including:

  • Consultation: Nectar Health’s team of doctors will meet with you to discuss your surrogacy options and help you create a personalized treatment plan.
  • Matching: Nectar Health has a large pool of screened and approved surrogate mothers, and they will work with you to find the perfect match for your family.
  • Medical procedures: Nectar Health’s experienced doctors will perform all of the necessary medical procedures, including embryo transfer and pregnancy monitoring.
  • Legal support: Nectar Health’s legal team will help you navigate the complex legal aspects of surrogacy in India.

Nectar Health is committed to providing its patients with the highest quality of care and support. They understand that surrogacy is a big decision, and they are here to help you every step of the way.

Why choose Nectar Health?

  • High success rate: Nectar Health has a high success rate, with over 90% of its patients achieving a successful pregnancy.
  • Experienced and qualified team: Nectar Health’s team of doctors and staff are experienced and qualified in all aspects of surrogacy.
  • Comprehensive services: Nectar Health offers a comprehensive range of surrogacy services, from consultation to legal support.
  • Personalized care: Nectar Health’s team of doctors will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that meets your individual needs.
  • Commitment to quality: Nectar Health is committed to providing its patients with the highest quality of care and support.

If you are considering surrogacy in Gurgaon, Nectar Health is a great option to consider. Contact them today to learn more about their services and how they can help you achieve your dream of parenthood.

Types of Surrogacy

There are two main types of surrogacy in India: traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy.

Traditional surrogacy is a type of surrogacy where the surrogate mother is also the biological mother of the child. This is because the surrogate mother is inseminated with the father’s sperm.

Gestational surrogacy is a type of surrogacy where the surrogate mother is not the biological mother of the child. This is because an embryo created from the intended parents’ eggs and sperm is implanted into the surrogate mother’s uterus.

Types of Surrogacy in India

  • Altruistic surrogacy

In altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate mother is not compensated financially for her services. She may be a friend or family member of the intended parents, or she may be a stranger who is motivated by the desire to help others.

  • Commercial surrogacy

In commercial surrogacy, the surrogate mother is compensated financially for her services. The amount of compensation varies depending on the surrogacy agency and the intended parents’ budget.

  • Commissioning surrogacy

In commissioning surrogacy, the intended parents are directly involved in the surrogacy process. They will choose the surrogate mother, negotiate the terms of the surrogacy agreement, and pay the surrogate mother directly.

  • Agency-based surrogacy

In agency-based surrogacy, the intended parents will work with a surrogacy agency to find a surrogate mother and manage the surrogacy process. The surrogacy agency will screen the surrogate mother, negotiate the terms of the surrogacy agreement, and provide support to the intended parents and the surrogate mother throughout the surrogacy process.

Which type of surrogacy is right for me?

The best type of surrogacy for you will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences. If you are considering surrogacy, it is important to speak with a surrogacy agency or a lawyer to learn more about the different types of surrogacy and to choose the option that is right for you.

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The Surrogacy Process in Gurgaon

The surrogacy process in Gurgaon, India, can be broken down into the following steps:

  1. Consultation: Couples interested in surrogacy will first meet with a doctor or fertility specialist to discuss their options and learn more about the surrogacy process.
  2. Matching: Once a couple has decided to pursue surrogacy, they will be matched with a surrogate mother. This process may involve working with a surrogacy agency or finding a surrogate mother independently.
  3. Medical procedures: The surrogate mother will undergo a series of medical procedures to prepare for pregnancy, including fertility testing and embryo transfer.
  4. Pregnancy monitoring: Once the surrogate mother is pregnant, she will receive regular medical care and monitoring to ensure the health of the pregnancy.
  5. Delivery: After the baby is born, the intended parents will become the legal parents of the child.

Here is a more detailed overview of each step:


During the consultation, the doctor or fertility specialist will discuss the following with the couple:

  • The different types of surrogacy and which type is right for them
  • The medical and legal aspects of surrogacy
  • The costs associated with surrogacy
  • The emotional and psychological challenges of surrogacy

The doctor or fertility specialist will also answer any questions that the couple has about surrogacy.


Once the couple has decided to pursue surrogacy, they will be matched with a surrogate mother. This process may involve working with a surrogacy agency or finding a surrogate mother independently.

If the couple is working with a surrogacy agency, the agency will screen and approve surrogate mothers. The agency will also help the couple and the surrogate mother to negotiate a surrogacy agreement.

If the couple is finding a surrogate mother independently, they should carefully screen the surrogate mother and have a lawyer review the surrogacy agreement.

Medical procedures:

The surrogate mother will undergo a series of medical procedures to prepare for pregnancy, including fertility testing and embryo transfer.

The fertility specialist will perform the embryo transfer. The embryo transfer is a relatively simple procedure that involves placing an embryo or embryos into the surrogate mother’s uterus.

Pregnancy monitoring:

Once the surrogate mother is pregnant, she will receive regular medical care and monitoring to ensure the health of the pregnancy.

The surrogate mother will see her doctor for regular checkups and ultrasounds. She may also need to undergo other tests, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS).


After the baby is born, the intended parents will become the legal parents of the child.

The intended parents will need to obtain a birth certificate for the baby and have their names added to the baby’s passport.

Surrogacy in Gurgaon

Gurgaon is a popular destination for surrogacy in India due to its high success rates and relatively affordable costs. There are many surrogacy agencies and clinics in Gurgaon that offer a variety of surrogacy services.

If you are considering surrogacy in Gurgaon, it is important to do your research and choose a reputable surrogacy agency or clinic. You should also have a lawyer review the surrogacy agreement before you sign it.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.

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